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Top Merchandising Tricks And Tips Your E-Commerce Needs

Peter, as we know his characteristics by past behavior, is quite particular about his shopping habits. He doesn’t trust easily and he doesn’t get impressed easily either... Read More..

Moneyball : Game Changer For Non-Tech People

Who would have in their wildest dreams thought about calculating data that can lead them to predict specific impossible scenarios of life? No one. I bet. Because what seemed... Read More..

Delivering Personalized Shopping Experience For Your Shoppers

With million online websites selling tonnes of products, why do you think they will be attracted to try yours? Better UI? Better product display? A plethora of different... Read More..

Understanding Filters Vs Facets For Site Search

Kenny has been a shopaholic since forever. He finds his answers by navigating through eCommerce sites and shopping for essentials. It calms his mind when he dodges off his... Read More..

How To Open A PHP File?

A PHP file contains PHP source code with .php extension. The file contains a hypertext preprocessor code which basically generates HTML code from a PHP engine running on... Read More..

How To Run A PHP File?

PHP code, unlike the HTML one, doesn’t run directly by opening the code on the browser. Whenever we code for building a website, we prefer writing the code on source... Read More..

Customer Retention And Acquisition Using AI

‘Efforts reap when planted at the right places’ Isn’t it?
You can put an immense amount of effort into getting something, but if it isn’t the right time or place or people... Read More..

How To Practice What You Preach

Practising what you preach may sound simple but it is one of the most difficult things to do. Ask yourself how often have you advised a friend to “Stop overthinking”; “Do... Read More..

In Conversation With Shubham Yogi: From Practicing Law To Making Movies

Growing up, scoring good grades was our only mission. It’s a different thing most of us failed to get straight A’s that our parents wanted to see on a regular basis. But we... Read More..

5 Ways To Cope With High-Functioning Depression

What are the things that come to mind when you hear names such as Matthew Perry, Jim Carrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Dwayne Johnson, and Anushka Sharma? You probably think... Read More..

Menstrual Leave Idea Finds Support In Bengaluru

A petition addressed to the central government is seeking menstrual leave for women across the country. Two companies — one in Mumbai and another in Kerala — are... Read More..

You Are Sarada

If you stride like a queen with kindness,
despite all the odds
You are Sarada... Read More..

प्रेम की परीभाषा

प्रेम की परीभाषा इंद्रधनुष के समान,
कभी खूबसूरत रिश्ते में बंधी तो किसी मोहल्ले में बदनाम |
यूँ तो सबके दिलों में बस्ती है,... Read More..

Love Yourself

Bumpy cheeks.
Hairy chin.
Dark lips.
Braces Within... Read More..


Practising what you preach may sound simple but it is one of the most difficult things to do. Ask yourself how often have you advised a friend to “Stop overthinking”; “Do... Read More..

Growing up, scoring good grades was our only mission. It’s a different thing most of us failed to get straight A’s that our parents wanted to see on a regular basis. But we... Read More..

What are the things that come to mind when you hear names such as Matthew Perry, Jim Carrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Dwayne Johnson, and Anushka Sharma? You probably think... Read More..

A petition addressed to the central government is seeking menstrual leave for women across the country. Two companies — one in Mumbai and another in Kerala — are... Read More..

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